
Please visit me at my new home at RH Reality Check. I am not redirecting this URL because all of my archives are here. 

So, to recap: Archives here, new content there.

You’re welcome.




I was one of four plenary speakers at the Abortion Care Network conference in March of this year. It was my first time giving a speech of this magnitude, and I think I did pretty damn good job (if I do say so myself, which I just did, so there you have it.) It’s 40 minutes long, so open up a cold can of awesome and listen to me discuss the ways in which I think we can build a broader reproductive justice coalition that centers the most vulnerable among us.

[You have to click through to view the video since it is not embeddable.)

Imani Gandy Speaking at Abortion Care Network Conference from Peg Johnston on Vimeo.

You’re welcome.



Thanks to everyone who has been so kind to me over the last week. I really appreciate all the texts, emails, tweets, Facebook comments and messages, flowers, and phone calls. And even if I haven’t responded directly to your tweet or comment, I have read them all and am extremely grateful for your kindness. You all have made what has been the crappiest week of my life a little less crappy. I know I’m absent a lot — between my tumor and struggles with depression over the last several years, I am isolated and in my own head more frequently than not.  So it means a lot that so many of my friends, readers, acquaintances, and online compadres, have reached out to me, especially since I know there are times when I should have reached out to you and didn’t.

I’ve been mourning Nate Dogg’s passing for a while now — probably a year. With each gray hair. With each inability to climb stairs. With each missed step. I thought that mourning him in advance would make it easier and in some ways it has. But when the time came, I realized I just didn’t want him to go. But he had to.

The bottom line is, we want our pets to live forever and they don’t. All we can do is love them as much as we can when we have them, and create as many happy memories as possible. Even now as I wonder if I could have done something differently — spent more time with him, fed him more treats — I know that I gave him 13 more years than he otherwise would have had (I adopted him 2 days before a kill shelter was going to put him down), and they were an amazing 13 years. So when the guilt creeps up, I try to push it away, along with my tears.

Every pet owner who has lost a furry friend has gone through the same thing I am, and it’s somewhat comforting to know that I’m not the only one going through/having gone through this pain. But at the same time, it feels like no one else in the world has ever gone through this pain. Grief is funny that way.

Nate touched a lot of people’s lives, even people he never met, and it really touches my heart that so many of you have shed tears for him, too.

Thank you.



UPDATE 1/31: He’s gone. He died peacefully in my arms. Rest in peace, my dear sweet boy. I’ll never stop loving you.

I don’t know how to write a proper eulogy when he’s still alive. I just know I won’t have the strength to write one when he’s gone, and I know that many of my dear Angry Black Readers have loved him nearly as much as I have over the years. So here goes nothing:

Nate Dogg has been the doggie love of my life since I first moved to Los Angeles after graduating from law school. One day in November 2001, I decided, “I want a dog.” I’d never owned a dog before, save a brief stint with a basset hound when I was 12 or so. (Her name was Maude, but we couldn’t keep her for very long, so I never got attached to her.)

I’d never had any other pets — save a parakeet that my Dad named “Slim” (say it like you’re in a blacksploitation movie — Slee-im.) But I never bonded with Slim. Do people bond with birds? I’m sure some people do. But I digress.

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I don’t know what made me want to get a dog suddenly, but like most things I put my mind to, I did it right away. Impulsively and without thinking. I hopped in the car and headed to a shelter. Continue reading



Blackness TV is up and running! Check out the below video for my thoughts on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade and related GOP shenanigans比特加速器修改vip时长 ABLxx

Today is the 41st anniversary of Roe v. Wade. But just because something is law doesn’t mean that it’s safe, as exemplified by the Republican Party’s “War on Women.”

Just this week a group of conservatives got together to discuss how they will “stand their ground”  when it comes to “anti-woman rhetoric” by pointing out Democrats who are also anti-abortion. Because that’s a mature thing to do. And a Kentucky lawmaker wants to introduce an act that classifies abortion as a form of domestic violence. Maybe the GOP should try arming fetuses instead. It’s not like they haven’t considered it.

The Morning Crew also discusses where Whole Foods gets it produce (18:29), Imani explains the Republican party (19:56), an award-winning photo sparks a massive controversy (34:35), and the Legislature consider extending the maximum age of foster care to 21 (43:00).

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Mississippi Tea Party Senate Candidate Chris McDaniel (R-OTFLMAO) is the latest to open his pie-hole and allow a whole bunch of stupid about black people to fall out.

McDaniel, you see, blames  ”rising”  gun violence on those hip-hopping Negroes. Well not just Negroes, since, as he points out, there are just as many “hip-hopping” white kids:

In a teaser for the syndicated program Right Side Radio published by the Dark Horse Mississippi blog today, McDaniel blamed “rising” American violence on “a morally bankrupt culture…that’s called ‘hip-hop.’”

“I want to know anything about hip-hop that’s been good for this country,” he continued.

McDaniel was quick to assert that “this is not about race, because there are just as many hip-hopping white kids as there are hip-hopping black kids.”

“It’s a problem with a culture that values prison more than college, that values rap and destruction of community values more than it does poetry — a culture that can’t stand education, that just can’t get control of itself.”

First of all, a lot of rap is poetry, so go ahead and have a seat on account of that dumbass statement alone, Mr. McDaniel.

Continue reading



The New York Post published a ridiculous article penned by one Andrea Peyser, who, in another life, presumably churned out Harlequin romance novels complete with covers featuring Fabio-esque long-haired hunks ripping the bodices off of damsels in distress.

No, really – it’s that absurd.

For those who have been trapped under something heavy, at Nelson Mandela’s funeral yesterday, President Obama had the gall to chat, and smile, and take a selfie with the Prime Minister of Denmark, Hellee Thorning-Schmidt and British Prime Minister David Cameron.

The U.S. media and various numbskulled Twitterati breathlessly reported President Obama’s social interaction with the other heads of state who attended Mandela’s funeral as “PRESIDENTS GONE WILD!!!11″:

For her part, Andrea Peyser took it to a whole ‘nother level, when she described President Obama as a “hormone-ravaged frat boy on a road trip to a strip bar,” and dumped heaps of sexist and slut-shaming descriptors upon Prime Minister Thorning-Schmidt, describing her as ”voluptuously curvy and married,” a “cross-legged Danish cupcake,” a “Danish hellcat,” “a fan of America’s randy TV show ‘Sex and the City,’ a “Danish tart,” as well as “a blonde bimbo,” who has “gentle gams” and is the “Danish object of [Obama's] desire.”

I’m not making this up, people. These are actual words that Andrea Peyser wrote, and which The New York Post published.

Don’t believe me? Try these direct quotes on for size, in case you don’t want to damage your brain by reading the article itself. (Trust me, I wouldn’t recommend it. After I read it, hundreds of brain cells packed up their suitcases and noped right the fuck out of my medulla oblongata): Continue reading



The Eiffel Tower is paying a lovely tribute to Nelson Mandela:

In addition, this, from Musa Okwonga (via Gradient Lair), is a must-read:

Dear revisionists, Mandela will never, ever be your minstrel. Over the next few days you will try so, so hard to make him something he was not, and you will fail. You will try to smooth him, to sandblast him, to take away his Malcolm X. You will try to hide his anger from view. Right now, you are anxiously pacing the corridors of your condos and country estates, looking for the right words, the right tributes, the right-wing tributes. You will say that Mandela was not about race. You will say that Mandela was not about politics. You will say that Mandela was about nothing but one love, you will try to reduce him to a lilting reggae tune. ‘Let’s get together, and feel alright.’ Yes, you will do that. You will make out that apartheid was just some sort of evil mystical space disease that suddenly fell from the heavens and settled on all of us, had us all, black or white, in its thrall, until Mandela appeared from the ether to redeem us. You will try to make Mandela a Magic Negro and you will fail. You will say that Mandela stood above all for forgiveness whilst scuttling swiftly over the details of the perversity that he had the grace to forgive.

Nelson Mandela was not a god, floating elegantly above us and saving us. He was utterly, thoroughly human, and he did all he did in spite of people like you. There is no need to name you because you know who you are, we know who you are, and you know we know that too. You didn’t break him in life, and you won’t shape him in death.

As is this, via class snuggle: Continue reading



Do you want to know what I’m sick of? Besides people? I’m sick of the particular kind of person who defends bad satire written at the expense of black women and girls and then turns to me — a person who is intelligent, well-read, and fairly adept at writing satire and snark — and tries to explain to me what satire is.

As is evident from my tweet above, that’s what happened over the weekend after Jezebel published a spectacularly inept blog post about R. Kelly’s new album entitled “R. Kelly’s ‘Black Panties’ Album is a Magnificent Ode to Pussy” — yeah… that happened:

Continue reading



It’s so weird how the GOP declared the end of racism yesterday, but racist shit keeps happening.

Like the arrest in Rochester, New York of three Black students who were waiting for a bus to pick them up so they could go to basketball practice:

Three African-American students who were waiting for a school bus in Rochester, New York were arrested on Wednesday morning when police officer told them to “disperse,” even though witnesses said they did nothing wrong.

According to WROC, 视频压制ShanaEncoder v5.0.0.4 汉化版 | 芊芊精典:ShanaEncoder,H265高清视频编码压制软件,堪称最强视频压制软件,支持CPU多线程和GPU加速,转换速度快清晰度高,B站指定压制工具。ShanaEncoder是由韩国人基于FFmpeg开发的一款音视频编码程序,支持H.264解码器编码、Unicode编码,采用自定义命伖行方式快速设置参数配置,压制H265编码视频时,编解码器 ...


What possible reason could these young men have had for standing around on the street? Waiting for the bus? Pfffft. That’s the oldest line in the book. That’s what those kids from Menace II Society said before they went and shot those Korean dudes in the face. The three thugs in Rochester were clearly up to no good. I mean, it’s all right there in the police report: Continue reading
